What was the theme of 2021? What will be the theme of 2022?

The Covid-19 pandemic has completed its second year in the world, both as a curse and as a gift. In 2021, institutions and countries struggled to improve doing business under the condition of the covid pandemic they inherited from 2020. Furthermore, due to the political and economic conditions they encountered for the first time, e.g., flaws in supply chains, unique consumer experiences, the fluctuations in cryptocurrencies, Brexit, etc., they urged to constantly iterate in their decision-making mechanisms. While working in an office environment has largely been replaced by hybrid or remote working types, individuals' lives have changed, family lives have changed, consumer habits have been completely redefined, and last but not least an unprecedented number of people in the world have been relocated as refugees in these modern times.

While we are constantly trying to increase profitability rates, we have established systems that break with ecological flaws; we have nurtured the liberation of the individual but put his/her relationship with oneself and nature behind. It's time to face these shadows, literally Jungian, of the business world.

While information adds strength in this period, as in every period, the type of information also changes with its density. The user is now a data. Companies need to be able to derive data, interpret, narrate, and produce sustainable and sound discourse with the user experience.

Under these changing conditions, we have a world in front of us where we will synthesize the old and the new, the past and the future, and the linear and the cyclical, and where we will do business in a sustainable way, in harmony with the environment and eco-system. Green economy, eco-friendly business, sustainable trade, synergy will be going up like a spiral. Because we are more connected than we think. We should behave and care accordingly. The competition will be replaced by acting together with cooperation, and institutions and countries will be in solidarity for sustainable trade and business.

Companies that can carry the experience of the past with hope to the future will only be able to survive by establishing sustainable, holistic, and progressive decision mechanisms.

We all are looking for ways out from the duality of the universe in our personal lives. This will only happen when we realize together holistically that the entire universe consists of us and that we are just a single point in the entire universe. In other words, it will be when we are a drop in the ocean and carry the entire ocean.

As the Harmony CLC family, we are working to implement new approaches and training with the experience of the past. We hope to carry on these insights to the future with the benefit of all.

Then for us, the theme of 2022 is already determined from the second month: “sustainable future, together”